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Acid or bile reflux after flush attempt with lemon and oil-please help!
alex k Views: 2,905
Published: 11 y

Acid or bile reflux after flush attempt with lemon and oil-please help!

Hello everyone! I need help desperately.
You can call me stupid, because I have done this foolish thing: I attempted partially doing part of gallbladder flush--several times, few times even few days straight, I drank lemon juice(usually from half or a whole lemon and a tablespoon of olive or grapeseed oil dissolved in glass of water. I did that in the morning and few times before bed at night, laying on the right side afterwards.
Few weeks after last series of those "flushes" I started feeling stomach discomfort and few days later terrible acid (or bile) reflux started following pizza and cake party... I was terrified-I never had serious acid reflux before... It looks like it never stops. Antacids do almost nothing, PPI inhibitors help first a little but don't fix it. No diarrhea, in fact closer to some constipation. Eating small meals, blended soups and hot cereals etc. I lost 10 lbs even not being overweight before. First H. pylori test negative, couple weeks later positive, so just finished drug treatment.
I havent done endoscopy yet. Blood tests ok.
---- I strongly suspect bile reflux as a result of foolish flush tries. PLEASE HELP ME OUT-what you suggest me to do? Thanks much


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