Hey John thanks for responding to my message. I am glad that you are having success. Over the past year my scalp condition has steadily improved. Today I shaved my head for the first time since my folliculitis started and I hope it turns out well. I take about 10 grams of fish oil a day which I think helps balance my hormones. I believe that the folliculitis is hormone related. My dermatologist has guessed that it is caused by P.acnes bacteria because it didn't test positive for fungus or staph bacteria. I take Colloidal Silver that I make at home and I believe this helps lower the amount of P.acnes bacteria I have on my skin...but also I believe the fish oil is key to my success too. I also take vitamin c to bowel tolerance everyday. Hope this helps. I wish there was a miracle cure for this but their isn't. I believe mine had got better with time. I ended of having this problem after starting a weight training regimen and I think the increase in my hormones is the cause of this. Maybe you could try fish oil though...very inexpensive way. Maybe for a few weeks? What's there to lose. There was a time when I thought I would never shave my head again! But remember no matter what things could always be worse. I completely feel your pain of having a marked up scalp...If you have a pustules pop it and move on with your life. I once read on one of these forums...someone said "In the grand scheme of everything, nobody cares". This is so true! Nobody cares...maybe I care about it a little...but I'm done wworrying what other people may feel...because truth be told they could care less if we had bumps on our scalps. Hope this helps someone! Keep fighting...try to balance them hormones and if your folliculitis isn't caused by staph bacteria or a fungus...good chance it's cause by P.acnes bacteria. You can do it!