Canxida plus Fluconazole.
Hi Dr. Eric. I need your help. My disease began in November 2013 (frequent urination). 1 doctor gave me Cipro, нон effective.Cange 6 different doc. Further Bactrim (30 day), doxycycline (30 days) kefleks, flurbiprofen. Antibiotics lasted about 3 months. The disease is only getting worse. In June 2014, I began to swell penis/ perineum pain. 7 visits to ER.Different diagnoses: chronic epididymitis, pelvic dysfunction, etc.
In June 2014, started taking flaxseed oil. Drank cranberry juice.Pain little left. In July 2014, there was a strong and rashes all over the body. Toxic sweat. Burning to eyes and skin (during 1 week). Stomach pain. My studies have shown that I have systemic candidiasis. Now very bad condition, i have no energy. Persistent pain in the perineum and throat and head.
1)Right epididymis cyst (1,8x2 см)- scrotum ultrasound
2)Fatigue, low energy
4)Impaired memory
6)Loss of libido
7)Muscle pain
9)Earaches, headaches ( Like huge pressure), and dizziness
10)Blurry vision
11)Abdominal pain
12) Perenium pain ( can"t sleep)
13)Cravings for sugar, bread
14)Blocked salivary glands
15)loss of sex drive
16) Rashes on face ( like acne)
17) Swelling mouth
18) Toothache
19 ) Swelling of penis ( see attached pic)
20 ) Swelling of scrotum ( see attached pic)
Treatment now ( start 1 ago) with holistic doctor:
1) Canxida 3 times daily ( my opinion to take) 1 days ago
My question:
1) This is right treatment?
2) Can i take fluconazole and canxida ?
3) What desiase stage ( start 9 months ago)?
4) How dangerous is candida ?
5)How long does it take for a full recovery (with the right treatment and diet)?
1) Fluconazole- 100 mgX day ( 8 day)
2) Canxida 3 times daily
3) Fluconazole - 400 mg ( 200 breakfast,200 dinner)
4) Centrum Silver Vit- 2x4 times daily
5) Probiotic Flora Aduls ( 17 billion cells)- 1x4 times daily
6) Vitamin C w bioflavenoids - 1000mg x 4 times daily
7)Iodine drops- 1x 4 times daily
8) Floramyces yeast prebiotic- 1 x 4 times daily
9)Omega 3 fish- 1 x 3 times daily