Grizz just might not bea spambot that's triggered to post links to a research page whenever someone mentions Candida or Iodine, as previously suspected.
Deep down inside Trapper really does not care.
Nobody cares.
89471 has a weird fascination or borderline obsession with Trapper and is not very interested in health.
What I still have not learned:
Is 186736 male or female? You can normally get a feel for who someone is by reading what they post on a forum but I really cannot figure this one out. I'm leaning more towards female but I am picturing Mrs. Doubtfire with a really bad yeast infection sitting behind a keyboard lashing out because they don't make Iodine that tastes like buttercream frosting. Therefore, they do not want to have any of it.
Did Iodine cure Stalagmight and Username?
Why young, hot women are hanging out on forums with irritable old men.