Rasberry allergy possible cause of lip issue.
I think I've finally pinpointed my long-lasting swollen, peeling lip condition. Rasberries!!!
I've been trying to eat healthy and have been eating rasberries every morning by the bowl. I ate a bowl this morning and ... stomach issues, swelling lips, and this time, tingling tongue. I think this is what has developed on my lips. This case of hives can last up to 6 weeks. Apparently most berries have a natural chemical in them. I hope to God that this is the issue as this condition has hampered my life for almost a year now. I think eliminating raw berries will be the end of this for me. I'll keep you all posted.
I can't post the full link. PM me for it.
According to the Auckland Allergy Clinic, urticaria is usually symptomatic of a salicylate allergy. They emerge on your skin as transient, itchy wheals or red papules known as hives. Generally, individual hive lesions last a mere 24 hours and leave no mark or visual indication of their presence. Persistently eating blueberries or similar berry fruits that contain salicylate can cause chronic urticaria, characterized by long-standing hive rashes for more than six weeks. Several other causes of urticaria are not confined to blueberry consumption. If hives fail to disappear for an extended period of time, contact a physician for evaluation.