Know Thy Enemy … Understand How to Handle and Manage
To share my experience from the past ten years or more from a long journey to improve quality of life in this fast moving world. It takes only hundreds of real life experiments, with careful observations, to realize the root cause if our problems. Most illness and disorders have an actual root cause that traditional or alternative doctors might discover or not. When you treat the root cause of your problem, the problem is solved; the symptoms are gone for good. In today’s world, there are many new illness, that were not known, in our ancestors, going back to the caveman, who almost ate what was available.
What do we miss out? There are many strange illness, with stranger root causes, simple equation apply: modern life creates modern food and illness due to
food allergies or intolerance.
There are basically four well-known enemies to some people in this world: lactose, wheat, yeast and other substances.
Many people are simply allergic to lactose or does not tolerate it well.
Allergy is a strong reaction to a substance that is viewed
as an enemy by our own human body.
Intolerance is a mild reaction to a substance that is viewed as an enemy by our own human body.
People can have genetic reaction to certain substance carried from their parent’s genetic map.
People might have developed reactions to certain substance due to long or expensive exposure that has cause their genetic map to change in their human body.
It is all unknown, there is no scientific evidence, to actual root cause, of allergies and intolerance. Nevertheless, each human being must known what is viewed as an enemy by their bodies and eliminate or minimize their consumption of this substance.
As a conclusion, many people have realized that there are true enemy substance, that has caused them many irritating symptoms, over the course of their life which range from mild to severe. It is only sensible to know your enemies and understand better how to handle and manage them.