Re: Iodine/unknown endocrine problem.
I posted in response further up with info on my background and how I got into this mess if you want to check it out.
I ordered some
Lugols last night because the stuff I have I have to take like 24 droppers full.
I'm desperate for something that will help and I know I definitely feel the way I did when my thyroid crashed before.
Is it possible that
Iodine could cause more problems since I was on lithium? I read a study concluding that it could.
I read the feelings of worse symptoms, swollen neck, and neck pain are related to detox. Is this what I should attribute them to and not worsening thyroid function? I always get scared with so called "healing crisis" reactions because I almost killed myself with candida die off.
What kind of dose should I be shooting for as a middle of the road approach? 50mg was a little intense.
I'm basically looking for sound reasoning to try this out so I can have some peace of mind as I move forward. I find as much info for
Iodine supplementation as I do against it.
What else should I be looking at given my symptoms and history? I don't want to go all in on this
Iodine thing and be missing something (granted I am doing a lot of other stuff for everything I have going on.)
If the general consensus is that it couldn't hurt to try I'm definitely willing to give it a shot.