This is really more of a general fasting thing rather than specific to the MC, but I think it is appropriate here -
I just read today in my "Fit for Life not Fat for Life" book by Harvey Diamond that animal studies were done (which I am against, by the way, I must add) that showed that mice who fasted two days a week lived twice as long as mice who ate every day. Of course we are not mice and I don't believe we can generalize from this, it does make sense to me that if we give our digestive system a rest every so often it will prolong life.
So I am thinking about doing a Master-Cleanse every quarter (10 day minimum) for the unknown future. I at first had planned to do it only once a quarter until I got down to a good weight for me, but now I think the benefits of doing it that often are there for everyone, even people at normal weight.