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Re: I guess iodine is a waiting game...
username7414 Views: 2,532
Published: 11 y
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Re: I guess iodine is a waiting game...

Thats what Grizz has been saying all along...iodine deficiency and lack of D3 made his immune system tank and allowed 30 years of candida overgrowth.
What I read "Iodine cured my candida, asthma and prostate" - I understood it as "iodine deficiency" was one of the key factors that played a roll in a poor immune system that allowed candida to over grow and the health issues... he does explain that. "Iodine cured my candida" is sort of a generic way of saying it.
Grizz usually has super long posts, but if you take the time to read them word for word, it does explain about how fixing the deficiency was what fixed the candida. For some people it might be that easy... try it and if it doesn't work then that means there are other variables you need to chip away at.


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