Here are just a few of the many Moms sounding off…
(The multitude of short videos are compiled on youtube here. The youtube channel for this grassroots media campaign — being waged by mothers and fathers — is “Hear This Well: Breaking the Silence on Vaccine Violence”. Its hashtags are #hearthiswell and #CDCwhistleblower.)
Here is the link to the August 28th “bang-up job” report (“Journal questions validity of autism and vaccine study”) — by Debra Goldschmidt (twitter: @debgcnn) and Elizabeth Cohen (twitter: @elizcohencnn) (and let’s not forget to mention Jacque Wilson and Miriam Falco who also contributed to this story) — which prompted the mothers and fathers to respond. For my analysis of this CNN story, click on this link: “CNN asks serial lying liar to comment on CDC whistleblower scandal!”
“Some people don’t #herethiswell.” –Elizabeth Cohen