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Re: More on the risks of iodine.
grizz Views: 1,329
Published: 11 y
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Re: More on the risks of iodine.

My friend,
It is not in Dr. Jeff McCombs interest to promote Iodine and how to take it. He has his own product line that he sells, and Iodine could impact his sales. So don't expect Dr. McCombs to embrace Iodine ever. There is no money to be made by promoting iodine.

Very few doctors promote iodine because they are expected to sell expensive drugs for Big Pharma and surgeries for hospitals. Iodine WILL decimate much of those sales, see our iodine testimonials for proof:
There is no money to be made by promoting iodine. Iodine actually CURES disease, not just "Treating" disease as the medical profession prefers.

Iodine makes people healthier - it does not cause problems in the gut. Any iodine found in the small intestine is quickly absorbed into the blood stream like a sponge, then sent on to every cell & organ in our body. Iodine is a VITAL nutrient required for our skin, organs & brain.

We WANT the powerful effects of iodine. You are missing the whole point of iodine. Iodine by itself does nothing. It is the iodine absorbed into the cells of our body that does all the hard work of killing pathogens under control of our immune system. Iodine is just another tool used by our immune system,

Please study this tutorial on the immune system:

You are wasting everyone's time by fighting against a vital human nutrient.

Please read his article & learn.



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