I use the DE in a bottle of water like Spudlodoo:
It is the silica that is absorbed from the DE. I put a spoonfull into my water jug and let the silica dissolve into the water, then drink this water. You can also get a colloidial silica gel that is very good as well. I don't eat the DE. I have had really wonderful results from the extra silica I'm having. As we get older we don't absorb as much silica from food , this lack of silica causes the skin to wrinkle and the bones and joints to degrade. I was quite shocked myself at how effective silica is, and how quickly it has worked for me. My friends are having similar results and are very happy. This is the site for the silica gel, DE you can get in many places, but make sure you get food grade stuff.
I have never done the DE in a glass of water. People like me don't do well with fiber and I take magnesium to help with constipation.
There is a lot of info on DE on CZ do a search on All Forums.