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Re: Secrets Exposed!
saywhatagain Views: 1,146
Published: 11 y
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Re: Secrets Exposed!

Interesting video, I didn't know anything about Benny Hinn before watching the video, never heard of him at all. I have seen videos of people doing similar things in the past and always thought it just looked like a big show. My first impression of him is he is just putting on a big act and a show for people. If people get sucked into believing in false people like him then that is a shame, but at the same time, he is selling them what they are buying. In other words, Benny Hinn cannot do what he does unless there are people that want to see this kind of big false show.

I don't really know how much good comes of spending effort to try to discredit him of others like him. It's good to have discussions like the one that you all are having, but at the same time, the main thing we need to focus on is building our own relationship with Christ, finding the truth in all things, learning how to use the discernment of the Holy Spirit to understand who is teaching the truth and who is not. Only when we are filled with the Holy Spirit and the light of Christ, can we start to pass this on to others.

The lady on the phone in this interview sounds like an amazing person and a dedicated follower of Christ. I'm sure she does pray for her friend to come back to the Lord, but I'm sure that most of the time she is just spreading the light of Christ that radiates through her with the rest of the world and barely giving a care in the world about false teachers like Benny Hinn. If you listen to her, she feels sorry for Benny that he got to where he did, but at the same time she is so care-free and worry-free about it all because she understands that she is completely in the hands of the Lord.


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