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Fighting muscle weakness and fatigue.
risen87 Views: 707
Published: 11 y

Fighting muscle weakness and fatigue.

Hi, So I've been dealing with some pretty heavy fatigue and muscle weakness since the beginning of this year. I am experiencing shortness of breath, light headedness, numbness in hands in feet, shooting pains, quickly tiring muscles, general fatigue,  cold extremeties, trouble concentrating, easy bruising, trouble conforming my muscles into certain positions, and headaches. I had bad candida for a long time which has been more under control for the last year and a half, but got very toxic fighting it. Every time I go for bloodwork, everything comes back normal. No lyme, normal cbc, normal thyroid, no anemia, liver enzymes are good. My muscles get weaker from sugar and carbs, antifungals and probiotics don't do anything to help anymore and food mistakes arent as costly as they used to be. The yeast seems to be at a stand still, as if my system is blocked up or something. Currently taking fluconazole, colloidal silver, and a probiotic with no effect. I am on 600mg of lithium which seems to make everything worse. My doctor tried potassium and it didn't work, now he has me starting B12 injections.

Does anybody know what could be causing all this or what I could do to try to get some energy back? The only things I can think to do are to detox and try to clean out my gut with psyllium and bentonite and get off of the lithium (I've never been able to tolerate it). When I got out of the hospital after my course of nystatin a year and a half ago, I was in the gym 3 days a week and getting stronger. I want to get back there, but i can't figure out how. My diet is very healthy and low glycemic/low carb, I do slip up here and there though. I'm wondering if nutritional balancing is worth looking into. Can anyone comment on that idea? If anyone needs more information to get a better idea of what's going on, I can elaborate further. Please help.



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