Day 7, done and dusted!
I am just on day 7 of my water fast. I took the opportunity whilst my wife is away as it just seemed easier and provides less distractions, although my 15 year old son thinks it's a bummer because he was expecting a bachelor party every night with burgers, coke and fries ha ha.
I have fasted before on numerous occasions and this one seems to be the easiest. I don't think there is any 'special' time to begin a fast as it is a very personal thing and really I have to be in the 'zone' for it to happen. There have been many times when I have forced myself to start and had to give up after a day because of outside pressure or just not enough motivation, so if you feel you can't make it then don't stress , however far you make it is just great and applaud yourself for trying.
Whilst weight loss is a by product for me it still does provide some motivation to continue. I started at 90kg and last night when I weighed myself I was about 83kg, so typically I lose a kilogram a day and that has been constant in previous fasts as well.
I am excited about the second week as the body kicks into doing some real healing. I am 51 and am beginning to feel some aches and pains in my body so it will be cool to see what "Dr Water" can do for me.
Apart from acute boredom I am feeling OK. It really brings home the realization of how much we generally run our lives with food, now with no food for distraction I have to think of other things to do, whereas previously I would prepare a meal or head straight for the fridge.
Anyway, its a longer post than I intended, happy to answer questions if you want. Here's to the good life ;)