Re: Please help & give advice. I don't know what else to do.
You're lucky you don't have to pay for all those doctor visits! I have spent so much money on dermatologists over the years because of this. I have scalp follicullitis. I was getting it on and off for years. I'm 26 now and a few months back stopped taking my birth control because I was losing hair from it. It sounds crazy but I haven't lost nearly as much since I've been off of it. Anyway, the pill was helping my skin. I started breaking out really bad when I got off of it. I took minocycline for months. It controlled it to a point where no one could see the sores but I still had some. I asked to be taken off of it because it was bothering my stomach. I've been on a prescription vitamin called nicomide for 2-3 weeks now. At first nothing got worse but after being off of the
Antibiotic for a little over a week, I had a rebound breakout. I used the clindamycin solution with a dabber for spot treatment and put doTERRA brand lavender oil on my scalp when the sores or bumps would itch or hurt. Apparently, I should have weaned myself off of the antibiotic. What I have been doing is actually helping. I still have several sores but they don't bother me as much and I'm not really getting as many. I don't know if this is the beginning of a cure but I'm going to see how it goes because being on
Antibiotics seemed to just hide the problem but not really cure it. Try asking your doctor about nicomide or an alternative treatment instead of
Antibiotics . You never know, it could be the more natural answer you're looking for. Good luck. This is such an awful problem to deal with especially when you take really good care of yourself but you always feel gross and dirty. Ugh lol I hate folliculitis!