The first one i had was after my very first dose of albenza and i had no clue what it was. It was a bunch of brownish pink "worms" that were mucousy and all matted and twisted together and it was dry and hard like a wood chip... it was very strange! Sometimes I'll have them without enemas after albenza, but they aren't slimy looking unless the enema softens them... even then i only had one that was a solid rope of mucous... usually its a bunch of small strands matted together, just depends on how your bowels are moving at the moment. What makes it even more confusing is when you do enemas and are all cleaned out, more pop up the next day... so are they made in the small intestine? And why do some have those roots on them and others do not? Some people have bleeding like theyre attached and then break free.. and the blood is around the fat part that looks like a head. They're all the same but vary a bit by person and they are easily hidden and impacted in fecal matter. It truly is mind boggling... even the colors are different. Some are light and some are dark even without coffee enemas. There were some good discussions about them around a year ago. I wonder why everyone stopped talking about them and disappeared?