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Mary Should Have Aborted?
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Mary Should Have Aborted?

Lol, good one InCharge...
I'm glad I couldn't understand a word she said. She just seemed like another Marilyn Manson to me.

Chaz, I think the problem is that people want it. As long as people keep wanting to hear that kind of will continue to be promoted. We can condemn the producers or media all we want, but as long as the people want what is being offered, it will remain. It's a permission for a door to be opened for Satan to bring his realm of hell into our lives, because it's all about money, power and an agenda.

It's getting harder and harder to hit them in the pocketbook to make a dent. They have their hands in so many different pockets making money. Writing letters of complaint end up in the trash.

People's hearts changing by the power of the Holy Spirit is our only hope. The main problem is that there are so many problems in the world to pray about or become involved in helping with, that people are so scattered in what is the most important things they should do.

Everyone is looking for truth. The devil knows that by causing confusion among the people, to where no one knows what the truth really is anymore, and to scatter one's thoughts so much that people stop praying, because they don't know what to pray about anymore.

This world is more focused on trying to figure out how this is going to play out instead of immediately seeking God's help and guidance in it all. If we don't start with His Truth, how do we ever expect to find the true answers?


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