Re: Silver Solutions and other Elixirs
While there's no denying your right to call your solution to whatever pleases you. I'm thinking an Ionic Silver Solution might be a far more accurate description than an Elixir. At least as far the process behind the solution in concerned. Otherwise, you'll likely face the baggage that come with such labels. see: snake oil / hoaxes etc. - may vary based on geographic location
NB. In the world of electrolytic chemistry, voltage is proportionate to electrode spacing. ie, In cases where the electrodes are very close together, only the minimum voltage is required to achieve an electrolytic reaction. However, it remains that there is a limit from which the electrochemical reaction is no longer sustainable in a cell.
That being said, there is nothing new in the process you've demonstrated in your video whatsoever. ie, Youtube is filled with video's showing people making the exact same solutions using the exact same components. And more importantly, where the final products are all identical to yours in color and consistency. The difference being of course, where you've chosen to present your device under the label of "new science".
And don't get me wrong, as this is not an attempt at undermining your efforts. Though from what I can gather(based on what you've written and presented to date), it appears as though your position rests on your own limited experience with LVDC electrolytic processing. Which is rather interesting as I'd be the first to admit the use of fields in this process. Though contrary to what you're claiming, we'd call these as electrical fields. Which I suppose does nothing to change the resulting product and/or solutions created by the equipment demonstrated in your video.
NB. You don't need to wind transformers and/or coils out of precious metals to filter or buffer impurities out of your final solution. ie, running your circuit through a scrubber such as an ionic/particle flask to bridge or buffer the signal and using pure silver wires(9999) onto your electrodes will do the trick. However, as previously mentioned, I've found no need for such measures as all of the solutions we've tested proved to have less impurities than the actual 9999 silver rods they were made from. Which tested so low for inorganic chemicals, that most of them came back as nonexistent(SEE: No SOQ, .003, .002 etc). And so I'd simply reiterate that this wouldn't likely serve as anything more than an added precaution. Unless of course there were other cross-contaminants to consider.
Oh, and before you run on claiming to have yet more field science(electrolytic scrubber) added to your campaign, I'd caution that signal bridging and/or purification was discovered and used in labs long before our day as well. :)
When all is said and done, all the evidence suggests that your making an Ionic Silver solution. Which likely consists of what looks like a lower ppm(2-3) type solution(time factor). To which I'd add wouldn't take more than 5mins to verify or confirm. Though beyond this, I can think of dozens of other tests that could work to demystify the claim that your equipment makes use of nothing more than some good old fashion LVDC electrolytic chemistry. :)
Having said all that...
I also want to add that should this solution actually prove beneficial to the wellness of others, that I personally take no issue with this. Though remains that if what you're making is indeed what it's looking like, then there are risks involved in misleading others into thinking this is something new given that people will investigate and discover the truth for themselves. Of which I'd add, won't be covered under the shroud of mystery or ignorance. - very risky games to play imo