Hi everyone,
I'm juice fasting, the kind where you only drink lemon juice + maple syrop + cayennepepper + water. See the thing is, over the last 5 years I've had an extreme amount of stress and now I want to give my body a nice break. I've done it before, but this time I wanna do it longer then the others. Anyway, I have a question, it's a bit gross, I'm sorry for that. So today is day 9 and I'm still having bowel movements. About once every day, and it's mostly diarrea, but there are some harder bits here and there. Sorry for the details, will stop now. So I was wondering, where is that coming from? Cause there are some fibres in the lemon juice, but really not that many. Is it possible that waste and fat is leaving the body through bowel movement? Or is my stomach still not empty? Cause last time that took a lot less long.
Thanks for the support here! And good luck everyone!
Cheers, Mary