The moon has many "field" effects upon bio-energy fields. It wont really help colloidal wire degrading silver solutions, but it will have an effect on "field generation" devices much like the EMF effect frying electrical circuits and full moons on certain blood types giving rise to lunatics.
I once used a ph meter on my irrigation bore several times a day to see what effects the planets and weather patterns had on underground water.
One should only cut ones hair on a new moon as the least amount of bio-energy is lost in the cut hair.
The full moon is similar to sunlight in that there is more energy imparted at nite.
Back in the good ole days, the barbers knew that to leave a cut throat razor out in the moon light dulled the blade by morning.
I live in a 3 story pyramid house I built myself and know of the eternally sharp razor blades and fruit dehydrating rather than decaying.