Re: Iodine & co, ebola.
Probably could, but it would make stains on clothes etc. Not important when life are at stake, but there are better options IMO as a pro active; essential oils.
Used in french hospitals for decades, my savior before
Iodine & co.
A mixture of iodine, borax, water, essential oil even better, as the
Iodine turn clear; and the borax takes care of fungus, the essential oils of virus.
Bacteria, virus, fungus; work together, so if you eradicate one (like with
Antibiotics ) it may just make room for another of them. Typically if influenza; we dont die of the fever or the virus, but the pneumonia that follows, bacterial or fungal / mycoplasma; the body is now so weak from the virus, it cant handle the next infection.. Same with measles.
Probably similar with ebola.
So, when an infection, I always try to cover all three at the same time. This has worked very well with my unvaccinated kids, now teenagers. And a 10 fold of other cases I had.