Dry-mouth after months of PBC and DE?
I've been coming to CureZone and soaking up all the wonderful knowledge for several months now, but never posted. I wasn't quite sure which forum to choose, hopefully this one is okay.
I have been slowly coming around to alternative health over the last few years, but it wasn't until this last spring that I really jumped in whole-heartedly. Some people think I am getting obsessed, and it's true...I am. The blinders about "modern medicine" have come off and I now see it for what it is - a crock of sh*t!
Anyway, I don't have any major health problems or symptoms, I am quite healthy and feel good. However, I know that there are all sorts of things going on inside my body that I don't even know about. I want to be as healthy as possible.
I have been doing a
Bowel Cleanse with
Bentonite clay and pysllium shakes for over three months, with diatomaceous earth added for the last two of these months. I take about three a day. Usually I add two heaping tablespoons of DE and about 1.5 tablespoons of clay to each shake, and I try to take three or more shakes per day, always on an empty stomach.
In addition to the shakes and DE, I have been doing lots of fasting, usually three-day water fasts, about once every two weeks. I really enjoy alternate-day fasting as well. I have also been oil-pulling daily for the same amount of time as I've been doing the PBC shakes. I have been dry-skin brushing before my shower each day, which I love. I have also been supplementing with various vitamins and minerals.
I sheepishly must admit that my diet is one area that I can't seem to get control of. I try to tell myself that it will come in time, but sometimes I wonder.
I have experienced some amazing health benefits in these three months! I lost weight, without even trying. That is probably the biggest, best, and actually unintended side-effect. I've dropped 20 pounds! I noticed right away that I felt no desire to KEEP ON EATING once I was full, back at the very beginning of my cleanse. I work at a restaurant and we were doing training for a new menu. They brought out dozens of totally delicious appetizers, entrees, and desserts for us to try. Everyone around me was groaning with fullness, but I just had no desire to keep on eating once I felt slightly full. It was the weirdest thing. I actually had to make myself take a couple bites of dishes that I knew I should try. I wasn't fat before, but now I am quite slim and feeling fantastic.
I also almost completely lost my taste for alcohol. This was something very welcome to me, as I have struggled with nightly drinking for many years. I didn't get drunk very often, but I definitely wanted my wine every night. And when I was in social settings, drinking was what I wanted to do...to relax or "have fun". I was mystified to find myself NOT wanting wine! At barbeques and parties this summer, I found myself having two beers and usually losing interest in the second beer. At one birthday party, they poured me a shot and I was revolted by the tequila in the glass. I ended up pretending to take it (sometimes that's just easier than saying no to drunken people), and dumping it in the trash. If you knew me, you would know how totally and completely OPPOSITE that behavior is from the rest of my adult life. A shot has never revolted me before, it's always drawn me in like a beacon of light!
I still enjoy a glass of wine after work, but it's only one. And often times I won't have any wine at all, which is just so alien to my life. I used to WANT wine...every single night.
Those two wonderful benefits would make all this worth it alone, but that's not all. I've had an itchy rectum for the last 3.5 years. Luckily it didn't bother me out in public (weirdly), but the second I got home and at night, my anus would itch intensely. That went away immediately. Does anyone have any idea what might have caused that?
My energy is MUCH improved. It's really strange. Whereas I used to wake up after five hours of sleep, knowing that I would be tired, now I know that I WON'T be tired! I don't seem to need naps anymore during the day.
My mood and outlook as also greatly improved. I've been pretty happy the last five years, but lately I feel like I am going to just burst with joy. I can't even contain it. My mother has always annoyed me and this summer she has been a delight! I'm so thankful that I can enjoy and appreciate my mother now, she is a wonderful person. I just feel drastically less irritable and more calm. I find myself not worrying about things as much. I'm slower to anger, quicker to forgive. Basically, I'm a better person. I wait tables and I've had several guests over this summer tell me I "must be having a really good day". I walk around wanting to smile and be nice to everyone.
I've been expelling tons of mucoid plaque since about Week 1.5, and it shows no sign of dissipating. I wonder if this is the cause of my increased energy and improved mood?
Twenty paragraphs later, here is my problem. I have been experiencing dry mouth for the last few weeks. Maybe longer, and I just didn't notice it. I realized my mouth always felt dry and had a bad taste, no matter how much water I drank. I worry about the state of my breath. I am 36 and somehow lucked out with great teeth. I have never had a cavity in my adult mouth, and dentists are always saying how good they are. I was totally SHOCKED to examine my mouth a couple weeks ago and find all these vertical, light brownish lines along the gum line of almost every tooth. WHAT?! My teeth have NEVER had discoloration, they are white and perfect. I am 100% sure this is being caused by the dry mouth. I simply don't have enough saliva to inhibit the bacteria. Right?
I found out that oil pulling with sesame oil can sometimes cause dry-mouth after a couple months, and that was my main oil, so I ceased that ASAP. No change yet. Maybe I am taking too much DE and clay? So I went on a break and only have two or three in the last week. I don't think I've noticed a change in the dry-mouth.
I am extremely concerned about dry mouth. I know it is really bad. I am just looking for some advice and suggestions. I absolutely love CureZone and it's become my go-to place for all things health-related. Thanks to all of you who take the time to share your knowledge and experience.
Sorry about the huge post. It's my first one!
(I am going to post this is a couple other forums as well...I hope that is okay.)