the difference is buying a Rolls Royce with a lifetime guarantee and lots of add-ons and side benefits (with conditions)
OR to buying planned obsolescence and degrading model thats questionable by the health authorities so there's NO insurance available)
Yup one just has to go with planned obsolescence. Cheaper is always best.
Alas I have $50 bucks worth of Silver. Maples have a bit of platinum in them to makem hard but hey they are cheap.
And they dont make suitable power supplies anymore. (it cant be switching... splits the phases'es but thats another article) So another 50. and the choice of materials have to be "neutral" and field trialed before they can be used, fittings so the add-on will be used right. The right cleaning material when using the device for testing water qualities. The correct composition of solder as one clearly doesnot want lead in the bio field Emoto water crystal energy...
Its not cheap but neither is one's health and only the best will do.