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Results, Clear by Awareness, or lack thereof
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Results, Clear by Awareness, or lack thereof

No, I haven't used it, but Dr. Ken Sutter, author of "The Paradigm Shift In Health Care" used it when he was coming back from liver cancer. I know him, personally, and you could go to his website, get his e-mail address and then write to him about it. I know he also used Clark's anti-parasitic, and Standard Processes anti-parasitic at the same time.

What he tells me is that the FDA is regulating all that stuff and making them change their original ingredients--just like they're making the Standard Process people that the Chiropractors prescribe put ascorbic acid in their supplements now. Ascorbic acid is a drug in that it is only part of the vitamin C molecule. Go figure. It's a conspiracy.

I also came back from colon cancer, but I used the Barefoot PW formulas anti-parasitic from Doc Sutter has recommended that since his experience. Everyone I have ever known has had good experience with it. Cheaper than the Awareness Clear, too. Can get 2 bottles of the PW hand made stuff by a Master Herbalist for the same price of the Awareness Clear.


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