Yeah I work with someone like that. Actually my brother is one too. He thinks Obozocare is good even though he pays more and gets less now. He doesn't think the "government" will steal his retirement accounts too. He thinks we need to give Obozo more time because The Shrub (Bush) screwed it all up.
I look at opening people's eyes like a treasure hunt. You have to turn over 99 rocks to find that gold nugget under the 100th one. So it's just part of the game.
But actually it's a lot less than 100 now I think. And sometimes you have to ease them into the pool. ;-) And some like my brother will never go near the pool. But we will be there for each other through hell or high water. Blood is thicker than any of it. (For us anyway)
I was talking to the other People in here when I asked if there was any doubt. I know you don't have any T. Keep up the good work!