Oh I totally agree with you Phelp! Yes, I am getting the natural "biofeedback" that I do indeed have a cavitation in the area of molar #2. Whether it is the source of all of my Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome remains to be seen but I have been employing the natural modalities like salt water swishing and coconut oil pulling ever since I read your posts, so I am very grateful to you for sharing your info!!! Thanks so much.
His office mgr says he does definitely find cavitations, so we shall see. There is another DDS a few hours away that has a cavitat scan if this doesn't pan out, but the Huggins guy is closer, so I'm going with it. It won't be for a few weeks, and knowing my body, I could heal up before then who knows! My lips are peeling too, so I switched to brushing with salt, we'll see:)