Re: Voltage goes down with the CS production progress
Good to hear that is normal the voltage drop.
This also means that the electronic board is working fine to limit the current.
I am happy with the result by controlling the current.
The silver oxide generation was very small, but still had some silver floating on the distilled water top, as can be seen in the video I published few months ago. Anyway that silver can be filtered out.
The production time also raised, from around 2 hours (without current control) to around 5 hours. I ordered additional silver wires that I think will helps to keep the production time at an acceptable level.
Do you start the production with a 3
inches separation between anode and cathode or you rise the distance when the voltage drop starts? Are you using the existing CS as a seed to the production?
I ask that because, according my experience, by separating the cathode and anode by 2.5
cm (1 inch) the production time rise to days.
Are you using any method to avoid/reduce the black substance that appear on the cathode?