Treating Pathogens with BioMagnetism
Bioenergetic Basics by Janice Bailey
Chapter 2 - AIDS as Catalyst in Biomagnetic Pair Discovery
"Within a week following the Broeringmeyer seminar, Goiz's discovery of the first biomagnetic pair occurred. He returned to his Mexico City clinic pondering the concepts of Dr. Broeringmeyer. A patient stricken with an advanced case of AIDS soon arrived at his clinic. In 1988 not much was known about the treatment of that devastating disease. Goiz scanned the patient with a magnet by moving it over the body. When he passed the magnet over the thymus area, one side of the body immediately shortened, similar to the lopsidedness Broeringmeyer had observed in the astronauts.
At that instant something nudged Goiz's intuition. It was an idea beyond what Broeringmeyer taught about diseased organs being polarized. Goiz thought that in the case of AIDS there might exist more than just a single polarized area of the body.
Magnetic poles come in pairs, he thought to himself. They are not just a north pole alone or an unaccompanied south pole (which is one limitation of other biomagnetic therapies presently being practiced). Perhaps, he postulated, AIDS could be caused by a PAIR of magnetic poles or a pair of polarized body areas. If so, the thymus gland below the collar bone could represent one of the poles, since placing a magnet in that location caused a drawing up of one side of the body. The other pole, he reasoned, had to be hidden somewhere else. Where, he asked himself, could that other pole be? And, if he were to locate the other pole and put a magnet on it, would the patient's body lose the shortness and return to normal? Would this progressed case of AIDS be affected?
Leaving the first magnet over the thymus, he set to work scanning the rest of the patient's entire body, front and back, with another magnet. With each placement of the second magnet, he checked to determine if the contracted side of the body had returned to normal.
He checked points over the front of the patient's body. No reaction. He checked the arms, legs, and head. Then he began scanning his back side. Finally, when he placed the second magnet over the area at the end of the coccyx, he saw what he was looking for. The man's shortened leg returned to normal. He conjectured the base of the spine might be the point of the second biomagnetic pole for AIDS.
He left each magnet in place on the patient's body for less than an hour, explaining to the man how the technique might possibly help him. However, he did not know for sure what the effect might be. He assured him also that natural magnets such as the ones he was using would not be harmful. He told him to return in one week to be rechecked.
In the words of Goiz (from Goiz's seminar, spring of 2000), "When the patient came back, he had no symptoms of his disease. He has continued AIDS-free to this time."
Goiz has since found over 500 pairs in the human body, including lyme and co-infections. It is time to get the word out that Biomagnetism heals.