After I can get my system a little more balanced, as I don't think my system could handle the candida die off, right now, I will be using a protocol of molasses and baking soda. I think that it is safer than using diflucan, and probably more effective. However, until my system is more balanced, I don't want to overload with Sugar and die off from the yeast. Got to get my liver detoxed, and strengthened, and get adrenals and thyroid back in balance. Also plan on balancing electrolytes and ph. Then, I'll go after the candida with molasses/baking soda. Some people use maple syrup with the baking soda, too. Look it up online if you want to know more about using it to clear candida. The basic premise is that the molasses draws the candida to feed on it, while the baking soda kills it. You have to cook the molasses (or maple syrup) with the baking soda so that they are united while it is moving through the system.