Anyone Suffering Reoccurring Candida
"A lack of
Iodine causes a spectrum of disorders, goiter, hypothyroidism, various auto-immune diseases, diabetes, bronchial asthma, lung disease, dermatological problems, CANDIDA and other microbes, irritable bowel, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, hyperactive disorder, attention deficit disorder, mental retardation, cretinism, and fibrocystic breast disease.
Iodine deficiency can cause breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, testicular cancer, thyroid cancer, and lung cancer. If you are at risk for any of these types of cancers, it is wise to be checked for
Iodine Deficiency....
"Anyone who has reoccurring Candida could overcome this with Iodine Therapy as indicated in a deficiency from the (iodine Urine) test. Certainly anyone who has had thyroid problems even though they are taking medication should do this test. Lastly, a person with any of the above symptoms could benefit from knowing what their iodine levels are.
Urine Loading Test:
"Also, if you have Candida you could experience a die-off response as the fungus is being killed off. Slow down the amount of iodine if toxic symptoms are intolerable. If you have mucus built up in your body, you may experience a spitting up of mucus. Of course this is good but do so at a comfortable rate...."
The rest of this article:
Candida References:
More about Iodine: