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Accutane cured something in my body
Jamienoble Views: 2,414
Published: 11 y

Accutane cured something in my body

Im a 27 year old male from Sweden who have been sick for perhaps all my life, or since i was very young.

I have been going to the doctors for almost 10 years and im still undiagnosed, pretty much all of my tests have been normal.
I recently found this forum and decided to share my situation.

I divide my symptoms into 3 sections:

Appearance - I look ill, pale and sick. My skin colour changes very easily depending on what type of lighting there is. If i for example go outside an autumn/winter day my face is extremely grayish/white.
My eyes are very tired/staring looking with eyelids hanging and dark rings.
I have never seen anyone else that looks like this, perhaps only a few people that look similar.

Brain - It feels like my brain and thinking is blocked. I have hard time learning new things because information doesn't stay, in conversations i often forget what im going to say, concentration problems, nervousness, easily irritated

Body/The Rest - I have a bad Body Odor and my hair is dry and lifeless.
Fatigue, no matter how much i sleep i feel tired. Its not that i have to sleep but always tired and no energy.

I don't however have any pain whatsoever and i can move perfectly.

Now to the part of my story that is very remarkable:

In 2004 i took accutane against my accne. I took a regular cure for 7 months and then stopped.
A few months after i stopped i noticed that i looked much MUCH better then i have ever done before, skin color, eyes, hair, Body Odor , everything changed to normal for me.

Then i noticed that i could read articles, watch movies and understand pretty much everything. When i talked to people it was like i saw the words in front of me so i knew what i was going to say all the time. My brain started to work normally!

And i also felt healthy in my body for perhaps the first & only time in my life, the feeling was unreal, the fatigue and tiredness went away.

I now realized that accutane cured something in my body i didn't realize i had. Sure i had my suspicion that something could be wrong but i was so young and i didn't take my health seriously.

This healthy condition lasted for about 6 months and then when i noticed that i again looked pale i realized that i was going to be sick again.
For every week i felt worse & worse, the symptoms slowly came back again.

I have no idea what accutane cured in my body but i know that i have a disease that is treatable.

I have done so many tests during the years and i have checked lyme disease, thyroid & so on
The only thing i have had low levels of since my first blood test is cortisol, but i have had an endocrine investigation and they didn't find anything.

Last year i took 2 cortisol tests and they were both kinda low, 180 and 40, (200 is reference level)
I have tried Hydro cortisone but it makes no difference at all..

It feels really hopeless, i have never been able to live a normal life and nothing in my situation tells that i will find this disease..

If anyone have any ideas what accutane cured in my body or recognize the symptoms i would really appreciate your comments & thoughts!


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