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Re: lower legs--numb, weakness, veins bulging, muscle wasting, Please help
BrightSideOfLife Views: 2,545
Published: 11 y
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Re: lower legs--numb, weakness, veins bulging, muscle wasting, Please help

Despite numerous other problems, I would say that the circulation to her legs is poor and if so then her kidney function is also likely to be affected.

I have had these problems myself with a relatively raised BP even though I have Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome and should of had a low BP. I am also diabetic which is a major risk factor for circulatory problems and my family history also has heart disease in it.

I therefore had very high risk, Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome tends to cause high homocysteine levels, diabetes causes problems using vitamin C and a family history. I also started having my foot swell up so not a good sign.

Therefore I knew that I had to do something to prevent any serious problems.

I found that Nattokinase and Serrapeptase are very good at clearing the circulatory system. I tried both at separate times and after a few months my foot no longer swelled up.

I had been taking small amounts of alfalfa for many years and it has a reputation for clearing the circulatory system and removing arterial plaque. I also read that vitamin K can help with circulatory disorders by affecting the use of calcium in the body, making sure calcium is deposited where it is meant to be and not in the arteries. I have had quite a few broken bones in the past 10 years, none before that so it seems that calcium isn't going where it should be. It turns out that alfalfa has quite high vit K1 levels which indicates why it might be effective. The vit K level in alfalfa would still be fairly low requiring large consumption to get an effective amount.

I have been told by my consultant that my kidney test was a little abnormal with one test.

The best indication is my iris because I have known that there was a problem with my right kidney for some years because it showed a yellowy marking in the kidney zone, starting at the outside edge, the arterial circulation zone and working inwards. The further in it goes the worse things get as more of the kidney circulation and filtering capability is lost, with a rise of blood pressure.

Note however I am a bit colour blind so recognizing colours is a bit off so someone else might describe the colour differently.

The last time I checked my iris, the yellowness had gone at the outside of the iris and was being removed deeper into the kidney where the colour was disappearing quite a distance into the kidney zone. Promising stuff and probably why my BP had dropped.

I have been taking a high dose Super K Vitamin K complex of K1, K2 MK-4 & MK-7 for over 3 months and my BP has dropped by over 20 systolic points.

I would recommend that you look into Nattokinase, Serrapeptase and especially vitamin K. Ensuring that your mother gets a decent dose of vitamin C each day should help. Getting your mother to eat black, blue and red berries should help to strengthen her circulatory system and it's the colour in the berries that is beneficial. Cherries, blackberries, blueberries etc and maybe hawthorn berries all contain proanthocyanidins which strengthen the circulatory system, skin and bones.

The vitamin K might also help with the spinal stenosis.

I have been using Life extension Super K which has quite a high dose of the vitamin K factors. However I don't think that they are all naturally derived so are not perfect.

A caution: Be very careful with Vit K if your mother is taking any form of blood clotting medication because it can affect blood clotting which could be dangerous in combination with anti clotting medication. BP medication is not compatible with Nattokinase because it can lower BP.

Natto fermented food is a good source of vitamin K but not very palatable. Sauerkraut might also be a good source of vit K but I have not yet confirmed that.


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