Re: jesus created by the romans
nice testimony, rainy. I like it. To be more however complete and that is God with us all the time, not only at prayers and worship and thus for all need that come by, we have to act every step of life as prayer and open door as a source from Him to life, not blocked. Is Man open to this input of energy of life? IN society we obey to duties and to this we close the door because a duty is a duty and not something we love so that blocks the input and the guide to full satisfaction as life is or God his hand in creation to us to all. we have this duty work to make a living with big organization/corporation because someone else think he is wiser and we have to wait for our turn listening to their methods and laws and ways convinced to be better. This is may be what you mean by saying when we are in dry period. we have to ignore this suffering and cruelty hoping in good result and rewards but they are their like a torn in the flesh, or sins. After this then you go to prayer at your home to connect or open the door to Him, oh, too exhaust, not today, now I have to rest because tomorrow I have to go to work. Well, Sunday I have a day free to Go worship in the church to open the door but then you have to understand and have forgiveness to sins first, yet this never meant to take place in the church (you see facts yourself) as if everywhere is duty, priests duty, everyone want to control and no peace and right energy to open for God to create through the self. the lack of energy of life sicken the body and then we have to work more duty for making medicine and doctors are not creative or open to God any more so they are at duty, just for money, not interested to heal and see other happy like themselves with God, with the right input. They too can go to worship but they can have fun with the extra money instead and have a shit reason to work for, to put their evil spirit in forms of corruption and sickening the people. the whole world now is dry, no water of life, because we have to wait for those heroes to invent a heaven to us on earth. we have finish just hoping and forgetting our source. This is what I understand Of Jesus when he said he has the authority from the Father or God, it is the source and it enphizises the want to know the truth. what is the truth the roman government asked to Jesus? you need the source to know it.
only the Christians of duty have lost it depending on other and to become as religions. having to obey our government is religion. you have a vote now you do not believe any more, why? no more rewards to blind us any more, right? too dry. and you see it with open eyes, that is true. whose choice was that? we thought that is free will, is it? now do you like this system which has tried us too dry? we have to change that, how? freedom from slavery? from wars? from hate? from sickness? from harm... big question, eh! you do not like it? you are free to say more to us with God. sorry if this hurt but I am free to say what I like, right?