The Bible says once you see, hear, or say something you can never retract it. We all are researching enough to make us worried, overwhelmed and stressed out. Stress it self is 50%+ the reason we can't heal in the first place.
Okay so an anti-biotic took away are life force so how we get it back? Fecal Transplant or pro-biotic and RS. Okay that sounds super easy but one also needs to understand that the reason why MOST SH*T doesnt work is our linings are jacked up.
Check out this guys forum and LOOK at all the CRAAAP he has expelled. He claims its Candida but I almost think its mucus and bio-film. Thats our problem is we need to expell this nasty goo and then replenish our guts with BONE BROTH and pro-biotics with RS. It sounds easy and I almost bet its way easier.