My wife is 1 month and 2 days away from her delivery date. Her hemoglobin level is 8.4 and doctors are asking for levels above 11 before labor. We have started her on goat meat twice a week and chicken liver twice a week. She is also on Ferrous Sulfate supplement. With those additions we got her level from 7.9 to 8.4 in 2 weeks. She also has gestational diabetics. Her Sugar level are better than before(a1c 5.5) but she needs to maintain a balanced diet to make sure that her blood sugars don't shoot up.
I have read/heard that papaya leaf juice /extract can help. However I am not able to find any information on side effects if any of papaya leaf in pregnancy. Do you know if it is safe to take papaya leaf juice during pregnancy?
If her levels don't rise doctors might have to do blood transfusion, something that we want to avoid if possible.