Two years ago I was diagnosed with candida overgrowth by stool sample microscopy (fungal-micelial). Besides other pathogens...
But my question is this: Five years ago (when my health problems exploded) I did a so called thermography. The "diagnostic" was something like -ithis all over the body: periodonthitis, inflammation all over right? I tried to attach the torso images which shown increased "heat" intense yellow color in the bowels and back. I've had the same "colour" back of my knee, sinuses, teeth gums? Would you think this was a sign of intestinal/systemic candida? Or is it just lymph? They did not specify anything except that - ithis/inflammation all over. It was after a very strong pneumonia plus antibiotic treatment. Unfortunately the "treatment" they recommended was making me worst: alcohol tinctures, coloidal probiotics...
My second question: is it possible to inhale candida spores from somebody who has it and be infected? I am also concerned by me exhaling it and also I live with a familly member that definitivelly has it and each time we enter his room im coughing and choking of a "full" sweet smell and I have a feeling like an allergic reaction/asmathic one. Changing the room and put him in the new room its the same.
Even it happens to inhale I guess a strong immune system wouldnt allow that, right?