Re: What worked for you to get rid of candida
Thanks for the info! I am a male in my 30's and have been dealing with chronic illness for over 15 years.
In the last 7 I have really learned a lot about health, allopathic vs other approaches etc... In the last 3 years I have tried just about every therapy along with super clean diet and supplements, and exercise. It seemed that just about every therapy I've tried had the same caveat do all of this and then give it six months to a year before seeing any results...
I have many symptoms including physical pain. One of the main new ones (that was slowly getting worse) was a pain in my left chest that I had mistaken for angina. There was a tight painful golfball in my left chest and pain went all the way to my left armpit.
Nothing I have tried has helped it, though some things have aggravated it.
This is the first thing I have tried that produced an almost instantaneous result! I can't believe it.
I have been supplementing for 1 week now and I can feel some mild congestion in the area, but it continues to heal with each does of iodine; the shooting pain and golfball lump are gone.
This could have been pre-cancer! It wasn't angina rather swollen, painful lymph nodes all my fancy doctors just overlooked it. VERY HAPPY.