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Original Dr. Hulda Clark
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Original Dr. Hulda Clark
Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Re: Valiant Thor - The Stranger at the Pentagon Pt 2&3

Parts 3 & 4
Rense 6/17/2014

Hour1: Major George Filer - MUFON UFO Report w/ Guest Frank Chille & Judy Beebe

TOPIC(s): Early Contactees of the 1950s – George Van Tassel – George Adamski – George Hunt Williamson - Valiant Thor (a Venusian) - Frank Chille Brings on Judy Beebe Who Had Met Valiant Thor


Rense 6/25/2014

Hour1: Major George Filer - MUFON UFO Report w/ Guest
Frank Chilli & Judy Beebe

TOPIC(s): Story of Valiant Thor at the Pentagon Continues Part3 (as told by Judy Beebe) "The Stranger at the Pentagon" – Device From The Ghost Of Tesla - Battery Output Lab Test Data - pdf - GEM Video

Hour2: Major George Filer - MUFON UFO Report w/ Guest
Frank Chilli & Judy Beebe

TOPIC(s): Story of Valiant Thor at the Pentagon Continues Part4 (as told by Judy Beebe) "The Stranger at the Pentagon" – Device From The Ghost Of Tesla – GEM Technology – The Hydrogen Cipher Battery Output Lab Test Data - pdf - GEM Video


Jeff Rense: George Filer is here, Frank Chille is here & Judy Beebe.
Alright Judy. So, give us the site, again, where these round glass globes, let’s call them GEM, what is the acronyme for – G.E.M.?

Judy Beebe: Golden Energy Machine… and you will love this – I don’t know how it happened, but it did. I named it GEM for Golden Energy Machine & I recently learned that the frequency that is in the flask, when you do a test, is 20-23 kHz, and that’s the frequency of gold.

Jeff Rense: Okay. If you’re going to do a test, you have a ‘flask’… First of all, where do you get the flasks, or these round glass globes?

Judy Beebe: The ones we are now producing, those are hand-blown by a glass blower in Idaho.

Jeff Rense: The website again is…
Now, describe one of the spheres for our listeners, if you would. Its got a hole in it, so you can add ingredients, I would assume.

Judy Beebe: Yes, its got a pipette at the top. And that’s where we inject GEM energy into it. And, this is a three-inch sphere, which is easy to use, personally, like you can put it in… a cup holder in your vehicle if you had with you in your vehicle. And what it produces is a scalar field. And it’s a powerful scalar field.

I want to tell you about the scalar expert… because… I went to California… this is when we started to make a lot of progress, okay. And a spiritual friend came & got me because I don’t drive anymore, she came & picked me up – from CA, she drove all the way to Montana & and drove me back to California.

For two days we had all of these meetings & I did presentation after presentation. I think I ran out of spit, actually. Anyway, I was ready to give up, I didn’t think he understood. We were in his home, he had scalar stuff everywhere, in every room…

Jeff Rense: Is this a physicist – the one you don’t want to mention the name of?

Judy Beebe: No, this is an engineer.

Jeff Rense: For the record, Judy, excuse me, there is no, what we would call ‘valid scientific proof’ that scalar exists. Right now it’s a very eclectic, exotic, theory, believed by a lot of people. And this man that you’re describing, obviously, has done a lot of work in the area. But it is one of those areas that remains enigmatic, let’s just put it that way. So please go ahead.

Judy Beebe: Anyway, I was ready to give up. I didn’t think the engineer understood everything I was telling him. Then he asked me some very insightful questions, and did some calculations based on the testing by a battery company, that I think you have a copy of.

Jeff Rense: I do have a copy of that. Now, that battery testing company took one of the GEM spheres and tested it…

Judy Beebe: No. They did all the injections all themselves. They were in New York. We weren’t even there. They knew how to do it. I told them how to do it, what to do. They signed NDAs (non disclosure agreements), et cetera, et cetera.

Jeff Rense: Into the sphere? When you say injection, they would put the ingredients into the sphere?

Judy Beebe: No, they were using a flask, a scientific flask... like a beaker.

Jeff Rense: Just like a beaker.

Judy Beebe: No, its round. And it had two necks - a two neck flask. And, we had inject-able stoppers that we injected into. And that’s what they did. Then they took two probes that were $25,000 each & they were liquid probes & put them through the inject-able stopper & into the flask. And then wired those probes to a battery monitoring system. And, they did this at 5:30-6pm at night & went home. And this monitoring system was producing what was happening.

Jeff Rense: May I ask you another question, please. What were the ingredients, unless they are proprietary, that were injected into the two stoppered flask?

Judy Beebe: Anyway, it was hydrogen, oxygen & water. In a precise formula. And that I can’t tell you. Lol. When he called me the next morning, he could hardly even talk. He said, “I cannot believe it. I expected to come in and find nothing.” He said, “We got 23 pulses of 560-620 kilo-joules—that’s 23 of those. And he said, “By my calculations that’s 1.55888999 kilowatts per second.

Jeff Rense: From hydrogen, oxygen & water, in a clear glass double-stoppered flask, which he attached measuring devices to… He was obviously excited. What else did he say?

Judy Beebe: He was more than excited. We conversed back & forth for quite a while. And he wanted to get it into the college there – their local college. And he talked to the professor, and said that he wanted to look at it, “I don’t believe that happened.” And he said that he [the engineer] believed that it did. And then he offered me 10 million dollars. And I turned him down & withdrew it.
He wanted to put it into a battery. He missed the whole point. I mean, he was thinking that it was going to be a great ‘green battery’ thing, that you could put into a battery & that is not what it was suppose to do at all.

The reason he called me is that ‘we had done an injection into a brand new battery – a motorcycle battery, a 9-volt & we injected GEM energy into the cells, we didn’t put in the electrolyte, we didn’t flood the cells, we just put GEM energy in it, and we had 7.46 volts immediately of DC power, and 11 volts of AC power. And so, I put it up on the website, and that’s why they called me. And, that’s why the called me is that they wanted to test it.

Jeff Rense: Is this anything to do with what we would call ‘cold fusion’.

Judy Beebe: Well, it’s a fusion, but it’s a plasma fusion. Its plasma. And that's what I was about to tell you. This engineer guy, this scalar engineer, he finally asked me how may of those pulses we had, what we’d gotten, all the stuff that he needed to know. And he then sat back on the couch & put his hands behind his head & smiled, and he said, “You have it.”

I said, “I have it? What do I have?” He said, “I’ve been looking for this for years.” He said, “What you have in your flask is plasma. Its an energy game-changer & that the energy will change the world as we know it.”

He told me that it was a closed system, that it needs nothing else to go on producing energy forever. And, the final POW! was that this energy is wire-less & only needs a receiver on the other end – that’s it! So, from there on things got exciting.

Jeff Rense: It does sound Tesla-esque, to me. Its something like Tesla would have come up with.

Judy Beebe: And let me tell you the next part. About 4 months ago, we’re still trying to figure out, you know, what we’re going to do with this. And, I’m asleep, in bed, and I feel movement in my bedroom, and I sit-up in bed, and there he is again [Tesla] – standing at the foot of my bed. And he’s mad. I can tell he’s mad, he’s got a disgusted look on his face, and he’s not happy. And, he said, “Enough! This is wireless!” And disappeared again.

So, now I know. We have no wires, no wires whatsoever. And, It just needs a transceiver on the other end – a tuner, that’s the other thing. The expert then, the engineering expert, flew to an injection [i.e. the site of an injection]. And he said, when he was around that sphere, it knocked his socks off. He said, “It’s a tunable system. And its alive & intelligent.” That’s what he said.

Jeff Rense: Well... Okay, if someone wanted to do – to replicate the test that the battery laboratory did, would you work with them – to replicate that again. Why not? What would you have to lose?

Judy Beebe: No, because we are way beyond that part now. Now, we know the energy is in there. I would not do the battery test again. No, I wouldn’t do that. No. But I would tell you what we would do, Jeff. I am interested in people doing all kinds of research. I would love to have people using this energy and use it on food stuff. I would love to see people using this in a health environment, because its healing. I’ve had a sphere here that was injected. I received it last Friday and already the arthritis in my hands is not painful, the arthritis in my knees is gone, and I’m hopping around like a 20 year-old. I have had more energy than I’ve had in years.

Jeff Rense: Okay now, let me back up a little… You’ve got one of these spheres & you’ve injected into this sphere the oxygen, hydrogen & water, and you’re getting this kind of result with that? Is that what I am hearing?

Judy Beebe: Yep. And I’m not the only one. In fact if you go on to the GEM Sphere’s site, there’s a woman being interviewed that Adam put up there that is the wife of the engineer & she will tell her story. She had severe back pain for years - severe back pain, and I know, because I talked to her while I was there.

And now, she had been around a scalar energy, because they have them in their home, in every room. So what I am trying to say to you, Jeff, what you just said – that’s okay, but you have never been around a 'biological' plasma scalar field, and that’s what this is. This is totally different. All over scalar fields are forced with electricity, with lasers, with heat, thermo-energy of some kind – we do nothing. It does it all by itself. Its natural. Its nature. Its what we were supposed to discover from the very beginning.

Jeff Rense: And Mr. Tesla… can you imagine… Let’s just assume, everything that you’ve said is accurate. And he came back, for whatever reason, to give this to you… someone… how much frustrated he must have been in life, how incredibly frustrated…

Judy Beebe: Yeah, he was very upset with me that I was trying to still figure out with wires – there is no wires needed. I gave it a little…

Jeff Rense: Yeah that was one of his big things – was wireless. That was what Wardenclyffe [Tower] – wireless, no wires.
Wardenclyffe Tower

Pierce Arrow Car

Judy Beebe: Exactly. And his Pierce Arrow car [image] that was all wireless. So think of this Jeff: you have a lamp, you cut off the plug, okay. This is just an example, okay. So, you cut off the plug & you wire it to a transceiver that has a turner in it that tunes the energy to AC current, which is 63 Hz, okay. And it will draw from the sphere, as long as you have a sphere in your home, it will draw its energy from that sphere. And the engineer told me that it would power a million things, “What you have in there would power a million things.”

Jeff Rense: Well, Tesla’s vision, of course, was a wireless energy world. And this is, obviously, part of what he had in mind. When he died in 1944, his records were scooped up & vanished before his body had cooled to room temperature. They grabbed everything.

And he lived in a, I think it was a Knickerbocker Hotel, I can’t remember which one, he lived in a hotel. And the only friend, the only thing that Nicola Tesla ever really bonded to, beside his work, was a pigeon who would come to his window, he would leave his window open in his room. Yeah, its true. And he said that beams of light came from the pigeon’s eyes.

Judy Beebe: I think I read that, yeah. Well, I tried a picture of the actual energy swirling in a flask. And, I know that Frank [Chille] has it, and he can send it to you. Anyway, this expert said that this GEM energy, without being tuned, was harmonically resonating with the nature spectrum—meaning, plants & animals, that’s its natural resonance. So, its bound to help anything in that spectrum. But he said its tunable. You can tune it to anything.

Jeff Rense: Yeah, Frank, if you can send me whatever you have. I’m standing by here, so go ahead. Now, when you say, “you can tune it to anything”, please be more specific. Help me out.

Judy Beebe: Okay, what are the types of energy we have on this planet – DC energy & AC energy, you can tune it to either one of those – 3 Hz or 63 Hz. But the most powerful part of it is the pulse—it pulses, and that is 9 Hz.

Jeff Rense: Now this is all within the globe, in the GEM globe?

Judy Beebe:
Yep, its just a silly little glass globe, looks like it has just a little bit of water in it, other than that it looks like Christmas ornament.

Jeff Rense: Can you see anything happening inside of it, visually?

Judy Beebe: Oh god, yes. I’m so glad you asked me that. I am actually so enamored with this. If you saw me, you would laugh all day long. Because on the bottom, where the glass blower had started this – there’s kind of like a little round circle where it magnifies. And so, when it has… moisture up at the top, misting, because of the water in there, it mists. And when you put it up a light source, you have gorgeous light swirls, you can see energy swirling & it pulses in the middle, Jeff. I am not kidding you.

Jeff Rense: Well, it does or it doesn’t, and you’re putting your reputation right on the line, here.

Judy Beebe: I am. Yeah, it is just beautiful. I constantly find myself holding it up to the light & looking because… and, actually, it looks a little like scalar fields, is what it looks like, because they kind of like spiral out. And their just little misty water things, you know – vapors that are in there. And, I can see it without putting it on that little magnifying place, too. But its more glorious when you put it where that little magnifying section is down at the bottom. Its just… when I first saw it… I went “huh!”

Jeff Rense: Well, that’s a little thicker part of the glass where the glass blower started, I understand. Its thicker at the bottom, right?

Judy Beebe: Yeah, yeah, exactly. And they are beautiful. And we’re going to have some 6 inch ones done, I just ordered those. And I’m going to see how much more powerful they are, if they are, or aren’t. But, I’m going to have these all over in my home. And, I would think everyone would want them, because I haven’t felt so good. And its only been 5 days, I can’t even imagine… because the longer you’re in a scalar field, the more… the more... [Jeff cuts her off]

Jeff Rense: Judy… Judy, would you describe… now, “hard science” is one thing, but you have a whole different paradigm, here, the scalar paradigm. Would you describe for our listeners what a scalar field is? We hear this term all the time. Very few people could put 10 words together on it. They don’t understand it.

Judy Beebe: Well, what it is, it’s a collection of freely moving electrons & ions. In order to make that, you have to have a perfect balanced energy. In other words, you hear it as longitudinal waves, you hear it as scalar waves, and you hear it as 'standing waves'. Well, let’s call it a “standing wave” for right now. And you have one ‘standing wave’ here, and one ‘standing wave’ there. And on one side, you have an electrical pole. And on the other one, you have a magnetic pole. So now you have two poles that have zeroed each other out.

And so, what you have around you is harmony… this perfectly peaceful place where electromagnetic frequencies aren’t hitting you, they aren’t… nothing is happening, you’re in this peaceful place. And, aside from that, there’s no greater amount of energy than in a scalar field. Here’s another thing—you know, I told you that we have just water, hydrogen & oxygen—that’s it! We don’t add any electricity, or anything.

Currently, to make a plasma, you need energy to strip those electrons from the atoms, right? Its either done thermally, electrically or with a laser. So, what I call that is a 'forced plasma'. So, all plasmas aren’t equal. This plasma hasn’t been on the planet, except for twice before. One was in Egypt, and the other was in the time of Noah. And, now its on the field [planet]… and, here’s something I want to tell you:

Tesla said… wait, I have to find it… so you have to wait, oh there it is. Nicola Tesla said [to JP Morgan], When wireless is fully applied, the Earth will be converted into a huge brain capable of response in every one of its parts.” And, that’s what these little personal spheres will do. We get enough of those out there, the energy will come on peacefully, and everyone will embrace it, and we will have a whole new world.

Jeff Rense: Wow. We just got… I just got a note from the Network that we were just hit with an enormous DDOS attack [Denial of Service Attack], trying to knock us off the air, in the last ten minutes. So, we are struggling. Everything is still up, but they are really working hard to keep everything from going out.

Judy Beebe: They don’t like me.

Jeff Rense: It doesn’t look like it. It’s a strange thing. Mercury is retro, but the timing is very interesting. But we’re still on the air, but somebody is trying to knock us off. Hold on, and we’ll come back in just a few minutes, Judy.

Okay, and we’re back…
GEM Spheres dot com. And, this is very strange-looking, the first one – the pictures.

Judy Beebe: Yeah, those were in which the stem wasn’t cut off, but we’ll be doing that. We’ll be shipping product here, within the next week probably.

Jeff Rense: Now, what do these things cost?

Judy Beebe: $450 + shipping, I think its $20 he has on there, or something. These are the 3-inch size. And, if we decide to go with the 6-inch, as well, they won’t be much more than that. It’s all injected, its all sealed off. Its a closed system.

Jeff Rense: Alright. So, as it sits there, wherever it sits, you can see things going on in there?

Judy Beebe: Yeah, you can. It’s a light show.

Jeff Rense: And not plugged in, its wireless.

Judy Beebe: In fact, I am going to have these looked at with Kirlian Photography, just for fun. I want to see. Yeah, I called the girl today & I’m expecting her to call me back. She lives not that far from me, as a matter of fact. and I'm going to have it looked at.

Jeff Rense: That would be interesting. Oh yeah, sure. I didn’t believe that at all, and years & years ago I had... Now, a question: $450 in this economy is not cheap. How did you come up with that amount, and is there a money-back guarantee?

Judy Beebe: Well, yeah, anytime anyone wants to send it back, they can send it back. I can’t imagine they would. I don’t let mine out of my sight, right now, but that’s beside the point.

Jeff Rense: So, there is a guarantee.

Judy Beebe: Yeah, I think I’ve fallen in love, or something, here - yeah. Anyway, you know, the Integratron [image], that’s what [George] Van Tassel was doing. That was just a scalar field, did you know that?

Jeff Rense: I’ve heard that. Yes, I am familiar with it, I’ve seen pictures of it on a number of occasions, talked to people who have been there & were there as young people. Yeah, its still there out in the desert.

Now okay, this is all interesting. This is 1994 when you first saw Mr. Tesla?

Judy Beebe: No, in 1994, I had my out-of-body experience (OBE), which is when I was shown the cosmos, and was given symbols, and came back. And, the first symbol I got was a symbol for heart, and they explained it all to me. And, I came back & wrote the book “The Understanding Heart”. And then, no sooner than I finished that—I mean just days later, and there are symbols all around me. And, I didn’t know what they were, they were beautiful, but I didn’t know what to do with them. You know, I thought they looked like crop-circles.

So I went to a metaphysical bookstore, and I asked her if she had any books on crop-circles. And she said, “Yeah I think we do.” And she came back, and she handed me a book, and on the cover were some crop-circles. And I picked it up and looked at it and I went “Oh, that’s the symbol for man.” And I went, “Oh my god.” And my mouth flew open, and I don’t know why I said that, I don’t know that. And so then, I came back to write the “A Language of Light”, which is a 24 symbol alphabet about symbols & how to decipher them. Its gone on & on – 21 years worth, Jeff.

Jeff Rense: It took a long time to get to this point. This whole thing of being available now for people [strange sound comes through – but ignored] at $450 – its pre-injected, its sealed, it’s a done-deal. What is the care & the feeding of a GEM Sphere?

Judy Beebe: Whatever you want it to be. Basically, it has intelligence. Hydrogen has intelligence. You know, when you hit puberty, in fact, how do you know, how does your body know? It’s the hydrogen within the water that’s in your body that tells you that. Hydrogen is an intelligence. If fact, Van Tassel talked about that.

Jeff Rense: Did he?

Yes, he did. He said, they are destroying a life giving element of the creative intelligence. And he was talking about exploding the hydrogen atom. He said the explosion of an atom of inert substances & that of a living substance are two different things. And then he said, “We have the formula they would like to use. It is not meant meant for destruction.” And I think its this formula. That was George Van Tassel’s first channeled message [SIDE NOTE: George Van Tassel purportedly channeled messages from Ashtar later to become known as Astar Command].

Jeff Rense: Those were interesting people. Okay, let’s see, speaking of Georges, if George is back… Have we got George back online there.

George Filer: Yes, I’m back.

Jeff Rense: Good, good. Something happened, and the network was attacked, and we lost you, and Todd heroically kept us up & running. Interesting timing, of course Mercury is in retro. Any comment on this? And then we’re going to ask Frank to tell us what he’s thinking at this point. Todd, we’re going to go through this break. Frank go ahead & tell us what you have to say.

Frank Chille: There’s a couple things I’d like to share with you, Jeff, ...a friend of mine who's got a doctorate in engineering...

Jeff Rense: Yes. Hold on Frank. Just a second... Hey Todd, we're going to go through this break. Okay, Frank, tell us what you have to say. You're clear.

Frank Chille: Okay. I shared the battery research & testing incorporated lab report with a friend of mine who's got a doctorate in engineering, he teaches in Michigan. He was blown away by these. He said, “Frank, the results of this testing is really astounding." And he said, "Its got all kinds of potential. If what this lab testing indicates is true," he said, "we’re going to go through some astounding times."

And the battery testing lab that did this, as I understand, two 25,000 dollar measuring meters did not actually touch the water, Jeff. So, they were not in the water at all, Jeff. They were in the plasma field above the water. And they got that reading.

Jeff Rense. Alright, anything else? George Filer, anything to add to this.

George Filer: Hydrogen is probably the most common element in the Universe. So, let’s put it this way, if this works, there is unlimited amounts available to us.

Jeff Rense: Well, this would be the Zero Point Energy, so to speak, wouldn’t it, in a way?

George Filer: I would think so, yes. At least, this is what they’ve talked about.

Frank Chille: This is the time when this is needed.

Jeff Rense: Well, absolutely. Especially if can transmute things, radioactive things into harmless things—reverse some of the catastrophic damage that is being done from Fukushima. That is what we all hope for, some day. And, its also interesting to ponder the idea that there may be intelligent life out there that could do this in a snap of their fingers, if they wanted to get involved with this planet to save it. We’re not going to do it, that’s for sure.

Okay, Judy, carry on, anything else?

Judy Beebe: Yes, I want to tell you, I was doing some research on [George] Adamski for something. I came across this: it was inside his book, “Inside the Spaceships”. And this is what he said: They told him: “We do not fly as you mean it, we nullify the atmosphere.”

Jeff Rense: Well, that means your nullifying mass, and its no longer an impediment, so I get the idea.

Judy Beebe: That’s a scalar field—yeah. So anyway, yeah, I’m real excited about it. We’re getting real close. And the more of these spheres we get out, the faster its all going to happen, because this is that ‘wireless brain’ that I just read you that quote from Tesla, “When wireless is fully applied around the Earth”... And so, the more we get out, the faster this is going to be able to take care of all the damage we’ve done to our planet.

Frank Chille: And, Judy, you’re saying that once the hydrogen & oxygen are contained in this closed environment of this sphere, its self-perpetuating?

Judy Beebe: Yes. It goes for eternity [at this point, another strange noise is heard that comes in – again, its ignored], you can leave it to 10 generations from now, and it will still producing a scalar field, or energy – whichever one you are doing.

Because you see, this personal sphere, that is now available, is tuned to the nature spectrum, like I talked about, this is for plants & animals, okay. But when we get to the energy part of it, and we start finding the people to do these receivers with the tuner in it, then we’re tuning that to something else.

Jeff Rense: Will you have to change the formula to have this sphere emit energy, wirelessly?

Judy Beebe: No. They’re all the same. That is something else that I found. I was reading in The Apocryphon of John. It talks about the epinoia, the Pronoia & the paromia. The epinoia is the Mother, that’s the Earth & our oxygen environment. The pronoia is the Matrix of all, which is hydrogen. Remember last week I left you with that "No electron moves in a living system without the presence of hydrogen.” Remember I left you with that?

Jeff Rense: Yes, yes, of course.

Judy Beebe: Our whole world would implode if we didn’t have hydrogen. Okay. And so, then, what the poromia becomes… so if you mix the epinoia & the Pronoia together, you get the paromia, and that is everything & nothing.

Jeff Rense: Well, that kind of sums it up. [Strange noise comes again – this time Jeff & everyone else hears it] What was that?

Judy Beebe: I don’t know. Its not on this end.

George Filer: Its an Alien ship moving in, lol.

Jeff Rense: Well, yes George – good line.

Judy Beebe: That’s the other thing…

Jeff Rense: Alright, I have questions to ask here, as a journalist, here. How did you come up with $450, and if this is so important, why not make it $50. What’s the price about?

Judy Beebe: We will down the road. The first thing is that the hydrogen & the oxygen is expensive. The glass, having it hand-blown, that’s expensive.

Jeff Rense: I understand about glass-blowing. I don’t understand why hydrogen & oxygen would be expensive, when it’s the most plentiful element in the universe.

Judy Beebe: Well, because we buy it, and its pure. Its 99.9999 percent pure. And, tanks & regulators, and all of that stuff. But the reason why we are going with the personal sphere first & at this price is that this is going to allow us to do the energy part. This is where that’s going. Its going to make the energy possible. So that, one of these days, you will be getting your energy, hopefully, from a sphere. And you won’t be plugged into anything.

Jeff Rense: What do you do with yours. Where do you leave it, where do you put it?

Judy Beebe: I haul it upstairs when I go to bed. I hold it in my lap while I’m reading. I put it over my eyes because my eyes are changing. And, I want it to do it fast because I don’t like this - one eye good & one eye bad syndrome. I talk to it. That’s the one thing that the engineer said. He said, “It reaches out into its environment, and its checking what’s around it. He said, “I can feel it.”

Anyway, his wife’s statement is on there [the Abraham interview video] and what it did for her, and that it lasted for four weeks about. But when she got home, it [the pain in her back] came back. So, scalar fields are something that you want to be in all the time, you know. Its not something that you want to just a second, or two, or for an hour treatment & then walk away from it. Its something you want to have around you, because it gets….

Jeff Rense: How thin is this glass? Is it fragile?

Judy Beebe: No, its pyrex glass, that’s what we’re having made with
Borosilicate glass, which is pyrex, basically. And so, its not fragile like a normal very thin piece of glass would be.

Jeff Rense: Are you making a designer device to put it in, like a little leather globe, or sphere holder?

Judy Beebe: You could put in a champagne glass, you could put in on a napkin holder, you could put it on anything. They said its, well, its like a Christmas ornament. You want to buy a Christmas ornament? Yeah, its really quite amazing.

I didn’t think I would feel this much from the little one. Because I had been around a much larger one, which was very powerful, and it started the eye thing for one night. And there is a guy, right now, I’m not telling you that he’s getting well, but I sent my 6-inch sphere up to him, because he’s dying. He has terminal cancer. And so, I sent it up to him to see if it could help him. And, he was supposed to be gone a long time ago. And he now says, “The only thing keeping me alive is this sphere.” He said, “I should be gone.”

Jeff Rense: Does it off… if you hold it in your hands, does it give off heat? Can you feel anything – vibrations?

Judy Beebe: No. No heat. And that’s the other thing. Those numbers I gave you, that was in a glass flask. That was 560,000 joules, and there were 23 of them in 90 minutes. Why didn’t the glass break?

Jeff Rense: That’s an enormous jolt. I don’t understand. And that’s from the battery test document that explains that. Okay.

Judy Beebe: I don’t understand either. And I don’t think anybody did.

Jeff Rense: That was not done with a GEM Sphere. That was done with a flask in a lab.

Judy Beebe: Yeah, but that’s a pyrex flask, as well. That’s what they make theirs out of. Laboratory glass is Borosilicate, because its strong.

Jeff Rense: Alright, very good. So, if someone would want to get one of these, and wanted to do some tests with it, let’s say a physicist. What kind of test could be done that would evidence, some kind of activity in there, without going into an enormously expensive laboratory, and so forth? Is the output of the GEM Sphere…

Judy Beebe: Well, you can do the little magnifying thing that I do. You can see it moving in there. You could see that, when there’s mist up there. Put it in the Sun, let it mist up, hold it up to the light, and you’ll see that there’s something going on in there. But there are no meters or things that you can test it with. First of all, its sealed. And then, secondly, what can you test a 5th dimensional thing with. That’s what plasma & scalar fields are, they’re 5th dimensional.

Jeff Rense: Understand. But if its projecting something, in a 3rd or a 4th dimensional basis, where we live – scalar, okay is here, too. There ought to be a way to sense, feel it, test it, something. If they could do it with a flask in a lab, then…

Judy Beebe: I think you need… if you knew someone that could make a transceiver & tune it, you could probably run something.

Jeff Rense: You could pick up…

Judy Beebe: With this little 3-inch sphere, I think you could.

Jeff Rense: So you could pickup Hertz – a Hertz frequency?

Judy Beebe: Oh yeah. Yeah. If you could tune it, if someone could tune… if they buy a sphere, and someone bright [intelligent], you know, and they buy a sphere, and they know how to make a transceiver that would receive wireless stuff & tune it to whatever it is they want to power, it would work.

Jeff Rense: Alright, Frank, what do we need to add here, we got just about 3 minutes left.

Frank Chille: I think we need to get somebody who has that kind of capability trying these & seeing what they can pickup measurably and report back on it.

Judy Beebe: Right. We need a lab, we need a physicist, we need someone. Not necessarily someone who even understands, or agrees with scalar, because this needs to be measured in terms of normal physics. The rest of it will have to remain on the other side of the picket fence, for now.

Frank Chille: If it tunes, as Judy is so stating, then its accomplishing in that goal… if its tunable.

Judy Beebe: That’s what he [the unnamed engineer] says, its tunable.

Jeff Rense: How would you go about tuning something like this? How would you impart a new frequency, kilo-Hertz, mega-Hertz, something to it? How would you direct it?

Judy Beebe: Jeff, if I knew how to do that, it would be done.

Jeff Rense: Okay, fair answer… fair answer.

Judy Beebe: I don’t know why I was the receiver of this marvelous information. Because it should have never been me.

Jeff Rense: Well, I keep waiting for Tesla to show up, here. I leave the door unlocked, he doesn’t come.

Judy Beebe: Lol. Well, the next time I see the dude, I’ll send him in your direction.

Jeff Rense: Okay, that’s a deal. That’s fine.

Frank Chille: Isn’t this very reminiscent, Jeff, of the early contactees who always questioned: “Why was I chosen for this experience.”

Jeff Rense: That’s true, that’s an interesting point. Yeah, they all seemed to say that. “Why me? Why me?” Yeah, the only one that didn’t say it was Valiant Thor. He knew, he knew. Now, Valiant Thor, Val Thor – Now, do you know I knew someone named Val Thor, come to think of it, my neighbor. How interesting, that – in college... Val Thor. I thought that sounded familiar, I just now remembered that.

If Valiant Thor is out there, and he probably is, he’s listening. He’s aware of who you are. And I would like to invite him on the program, as I’ve said before. So, if you could in touch with Frank, or George, or Judy, or me. I’m sure you’ve got the ability to do that, you’re more than welcome. It’s be fun to talk. So, we could open the door in that way.

Judy Beebe: Well, you know, I think that once there are enough of these spheres, and I keep thinking that’s it’s the 144,000 mentioned in Revelations. When enough of these spheres are out there, in fact, I was told. That ‘they’ [ETs, obviously] would be landing & walking with me soon.

Jeff Rense: Okay, all right. Anything to add, Judy, we just have 30 seconds left.

Judy Beebe: Nope, I appreciate you having me on. Thank you very much.

Jeff Rense: Well, thank you for being here & answering a lot of questions & we’ve got a pretty good idea of what this is now. We will watch it. Frank Chille, thank you very much for introducing us to Judy & this very unusual technology.

Frank Chille: Thank you, Jeff. Always a pleasure sharing with you.

Jeff Rense: And, my friend George, you did it again, another very interesting program, as usual. Thank you, George, you take care & we’ll talk very soon.

George Filer: Right, don’t forget to mention my files.

Jeff Rense: George Filer’s Filer’s Files. For a free subscription, simply write to George @ major star at verizon dot net.


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