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Re: Poison oak

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tashasart Views: 1,915
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Re: Poison oak

So I have a horrible poison oak allergy, and have had a miserable 3 years of mountain biking. I would get a small patch on my leg and the whole thing would go systemic and my whole body would be covered in a rash. Several times I've had to go to the doctors and be put on steroids which make me CRAZY! It has been such a bummer, but I think I have finally figured out how to beat this evil plant! I wanted to share my tips with any other suffering souls out there.

1. NEVER go "pee" off the trail, actually, never go off the trail.
2. whenever possible wear long sleeves and long pants
3. when removing clothing, put them in a plastic bag until you can wash them, and treat them as if they are infested with the oak! wash up immediately
4. if you are going to get a beer after riding (which you totally should do) carry a ziplock bag of "clorox wipes" and wipe down any exposed skin
5. do #4. at the end of your ride whether you get a beer or not, the oils in the oak should be removed from your skin within 30 min of exposure
6. after ride soap up in the shower with Dawn dish detergent, rinse with cold water (spend a ton of $$ on Tecnu if you want, but I think Dawn works just as well)
7. shower immediately after ride if possible, if not see #4.
8. wipe down as much gear and bike with colorox wipes as possible
9. If you get the rash, immediately go to the Dr. and ask for Triamcinolone Acetonide Cream USP 0.1% this is the only cream that I have found to actually STOP the rash. It is a topical steroid that seems to kill the rash.
10. Ivarest is good for the itching and pain, but get the above if you can.
11. oral steroids do help, but they make me speed or meth or something.
12. poison oak doesn't always have leaves, especially in the fall- but the twigy branches live year round, and can give you the poison! There are other plants that can give you a similar reaction, so I wouldn't touch anything in the forest. If you are allergic to P.O. you may also be allergic to Mango skin. (random info)
13. I think that is all my wisdom, if you have the oak right now, my heart goes out to you, it f*ing sucks!!!!!!

Best Luck!


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