"That led AHCJ [Association of Healthcare Journalists] member Hiran Ratnayake to looking into the issue… after Delaware passed laws limiting teens' access to tanning salons. The 75 percent figure is based on a review of a number of studies, Ratnayake learned. The strongest such study was one that followed more than 100,000 women over eight years.
But as Ratnayake noted, that study 'found that less than three-tenths of 1 percent who tanned frequently developed melanoma while less than two-tenths of 1 percent who didn't tan developed melanoma.'
By only presenting the relative risk increase (the 75 percent increase), officials make the risk of tanning sound rather unreasonable. Meanwhile, your absolute risk of developing skin cancer from sun exposure or indoor tanning is still, at worst, below one percent! http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/06/18/indoor-tanning....