White bread helps boost some of the gut's 'good' microbes
The problem with this type of medical information is the interpretation. Carbohydrates feed bacteria, period. This is a fact, they feed good and bad bacteria equally. See these researchers look at one little tiny grain of salt on the whole beach and say, 'look at this piece of sand, now we understand everything'. When really, it has nothing to do with anything. It could have been rice, it could have been any simple starch, of course it is going to boost lactobacillus. The problem is not feeding lactobacillus, or candida, or whatever. The problem is when the microbial balance of the digestive tract is disturbed. The real, problematic candida overgrowths occur, not when we feed bacteria, but when we kill it and starve it.
When you create an imbalance in the digestive tract, through use of
Antibiotics , ketogenic diet, use of (even natural) anti-fungals and anti-bacterials, you create a state of imbalance, much of the delicate micro-flora is detroyed and only the very resilient bacteria and fungus will remain and later be able to repopulate. The key is balance, something people on the
Candida Forum usually have no clue about.