GLOBAL WAR AND THE KILLSHOT? Post from RV production office - If you recall, it’s been reported that Remote Viewers foresaw the “armies of the world” looking up at a celestial event when the Killshot begins, indicating that there must be w
ar significant enough (globally involved) for this to be a key factor in the coming Killshot event. In a short time we’re seeing:
- War in Ukraine
- War in Iraq
- Nuclear threats from Iran
- Nuclear threats from N. Korea
- Threats from Russia to the US
And now, the U.S. and Europe may be jumping right back into the fray.
This year, we’ve already seen fulfilled warnings regarding Fukushima, Ukraine, solar activity and news regarding the Petro Dollar; everything Ed Dames said would happen in early 2014 is occurring before our very eyes. It appears that the “armies of the world” are indeed setting the stage for what Remote Viewers foresee as our imminent end. This sends an eerie reminder that only a few months ago Major Ed Dames predicted on national radio that “2014 could very well be the beginning of the final precursor events”; adding, “I’m not sure how much time we have left”, indicating that only a few pre-curser events remain. For those that are paying attention, it appears that the final pieces to the Killshot puzzle are indeed coming together.