Well said. That is exactly the way I feel about most of what people on curezone and many other health sites post. I am all for alternative medicine and natural cures but we need it to be more scientific and proven safe and effective, unfortunately for that we need money and there is very little of that for now in alternative medicine fields, although some things like acupuncture have been proven safe and effective with documented studies. We need all these things well researched, although I don't discount anecdotal evidence, especially if there is a good amount of it. The fact that so many people have been helped by Iodine supplementation tells me that there must be some benefit to the body. Also, the fact that so many people report negative reactions to Iodine tells me that there can be some problems the body can encounter when supplementing with iodine. If we could run scientific studies on this, we would be able to see exactly what was going on and why it helps some people but not others.