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Has anyone overcome Candida without having to do a strict diet?
  Views: 1,393
Published: 11 y

Has anyone overcome Candida without having to do a strict diet?

I know this may be far fetched, but has anyone conquered Candida without the strict diet? I'm not expecting anyone to have kicked this issue while eating sourdough bread bowls and ice cream all the time, but at least a diet that doesn't restrict every pleasurable food? I am 17 years old and miserable on this diet. I just graduated from high school and I've been spending my summer freaking out about everything I eat. Although my stomach flattened thanks to Paleo and this diet (I switched to the Candida diet to see if I would have better results) this is by far the most inconvenient thing I've ever been through in my life. No bread, ice cream, beans, FRUIT, a teen's nightmare. Also, has anyone had a full recovery from the Paleo diet? That was much easier for me to stick with thanks to the fruit and I don't feel any better since being on CandiGone and the strict diet so it may not be worth it.


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