Day 15,have to stop sooner than hoped because of anemia : 0(
Hi Everyone,
I am very sad to say that I'm going to have to end this cleanse sooner than I had hoped. This is Day 15 for me and I've done 3 or 4 previous cleanses (40, 30 and 30 days) but last year I became anemic. And yes, I am aware that good ol' Stanley says that the body will self-regulate and get rid of the anemia, however, 2 weeks of not being able to leave the house, and now, even having taken my iron supplements for the past 4 days, I'm actually feeling worse, dizzy, weak, heart racing, out of breath, so I can tell that the iron isn't being properly absorbed. I'm really sad to break the fast, however, I am thinking that once I get my levels back up, I may try again. Apart from the CONSTANT pooping (didn't need to the the swf at all, but did do it twice to see if there was any difference - there wasn't) and gas (and anemia related lethargy) there were no other side effects, no headaches (I made sure to drink LOTS of water this time, esp before and during my period - in the past during
Master-Cleanse I'd had 3 day migraines around my period, maybe dehydration, in hind sight). Sad to stop but am looking forward to feeling human again. Hopefully back soon! Happy Cleansing Folks!