The best eczema treatment is to eliminate the cause of eczema
You know, the best eczema treatment is to eliminate the real cause of eczema.
Lack of that cream was not the real cause.
Eczema is not skin disorder.
Skin is just a dash board, showing the situation inside intestines.
As a result, as he has not eliminated the real cause, his eczema will "return" after some time, and the second time the cream will have no effect, as the real cause was not addressed.
So, to really cure eczema, you have to work on improving the health of your intestines, the health of your liver, and eliminate from your diet anything unnatural, like
preservatives ,
food additives , as well as unnaturally processed foods like for example homogenized and ultra pasteurized milk.
Learn about home made yogurt , raw milk ,
Liver Flush ,
sorbates ,
benzoates ,
sulfites ,
citrates , margarin, etc.