I've been drinking distilled water for a few months after reading about fluoride etc. My body didn't feel right so I bought ConcenTrace Mineral drops and started adding them to the water. After a few weeks of that I still didn't feel all that well so I made a half half mix of distilled water with mineral drops and filter tap water. Still didn't feel well. So I thought maybe it was the pH of the water so I started adding a small amount of Bicarb to the water to see if that would help. I tested the pH of both with and without bicarb and the pH of distilled and 5050 mix distilled and tap water has a pH of 6.0 or below and the pH of the water with bicarb is 7.6 or above.
I'm just wondering if anyone knows if this will help? Should I keep persevering with distilled water or just stop and go back to tap water? I want to keep drinking distilled because I don't want fluoride or chlorine in my body.