Re: New science reveals fat isn’t what’s hurting our health
I bet it's going to say how all those evil carbs and
Sugar are making people fat and develop heart disease and diabetes.
I mean look at all the longterm low-fat dieters, like
Freelee the Banana Girl and the other fruit-munchers at, or the starch-munchers at They are all bound to become obese, get heart disease, and be crippled with diabetes any year now!
And look at
former President Bill Clinton since he switched to a high-carb/low-fat lifestyle. I bet he's going to need another quadruple bypass surgery soon if diabetes doesn't get him first!
look at how all those low-carb, high-fat, anti-sugar, Paleo advocates compared to the low-fat diet advocates. Those low-carbers are a beaming example of health and slimness!
So better call China and tell them that it must be all that white rice and processed wheat in their noodles that's caused the
recent explosion of obesity and diabetes in their country and that it has nothing to do with the increase of saturated fat in their diets from being able to afford eating more meat, because I'm sure that saturated fat
has no link with causing Type II diabetes.