Aren't You Happy Your Parent(s)Did Not Abort You?
It is not my intention to ridicule, but, none of us (not "many of us") would be here had our parent(s) made the decision to abort.
I understand and appreciate that you have very specific beliefs and opinions about abortion, and that's not only "allowed," but it's encouraged. But, I will add this as a caveat: not everyone is obligated or required to agree with any view, belief, or opinion that doesn't meet someone else's expectations.
My own views on this very sensitive and explosive topic apply to me, only. I cannot imagine the inner turmoil of another woman who makes this choice, and I do not have the authority to judge anyone who has made the decision to abort, even those who did so as their own method of birth control. I don't have to live with their decisions and choices - they do.
Abortion has been an option since mankind first stood upright and began painting on cave walls. Bringing offspring into the world comes with a host of obligations and responsibilities that sometimes cannot be met. Regardless of how I might view this option, I do not have the ability to experience what someone else is thinking or feeling to come to that decision. "Then, put it up for adoption!" has been a perennial response. Since I have never given up a child for adoption, I cannot remark on this with a personal frame of reference, but that's not an easy choice, either. There is no guarantee that a child given up for adoption will be raised in a healthy, loving, nurturing environment, or suffer horrid abuses and end up brutally murdered at the age of 6.
"Happy" is a relative term, and I cannot apply "happy" as a general term with regard to my life. Content? Sure.........that'll do. But, there have been many, many times when I fervently wished that I had never been born, absolutely. There have been many, many times when I wished that I had not awakened.
Abortion is a very, very personal decision, and one that some may make lightly, while others agonize over for the remainder of their lives. It is not my place to sit in judgement of either scenario, nor any in between. I can only choose for myself, and my personal choice or opinion cannot be applied to another woman, under any circumstance.